In January 2019, the Florida Supreme Court narrowly decided on the long-standing case of Citizens for Strong Schools and the Florida State Board of Education in which the Petitioners (Citizens for Strong Schools et al.) argued that the State of Florida was not living up to its constitutional duty to provide “high-quality” education for all students.
Florida—a state that has had its fair share of election recounts. Joseph S. Van de Bogart, Esq. of Van de Bogart Law, P.A. has experienced firsthand the inconvenience caused by such events to members of the electorate and voters alike as the results of elections are held in limbo.
An escrow deposit is a good faith gesture made by the buyer to the seller, indicating the buyer is serious about purchasing the property. Once the funds are deposited, the money should not be removed by the escrow agent holding the funds without the buyer and the seller’s written consent.
Your attorney has been working hard to obtain a judgment against the person who owes you money. The final judgment is entered, and the Court orders that the opposing party pay you a specific amount.